What is the Monte’s product specification?
· 245mm Day Use
Pack (10pc)
· 290mm Night Use
Pack (8pc)
· 155mm Pantyliner
Pack (30pc)
What are the materials used in Monte Day Use & Night Use Pack?
· 100% cotton
surface layer [21g/㎡]
· 3-in-1 core
stripe (negative ion, nano silver & far infrared ray) [60g/㎡]
· Dust-free layer
· Super Absorbent Polymer
(SAP) [190g/㎡]
· Anti-leakage
layer [12g/㎡]
· Permeability
bottom layer [35g/㎡]
· Food grade breathable
What are the materials used in Monte Pantyliner?
· 100% cotton
surface layer [45g/㎡]
· 3-in-1 core
stripe (negative ion, nano silver & far infrared ray) [60g/㎡]
· Dust-free layer [80g/㎡]
· Permeability
bottom layer [35g/㎡]
· Food grade
breathable glue
What are the product benefits?
Helps to regulate menstrual period, relief
menstrual pain, reduce white discharge, improve fertility, 99.99% kill
bacteria, more than 5 times absorption rate, dry and comfort surface,
anti-odour, no itchiness.
What is the maximum liquid absorption of Monte Day & Night pad?
Maximum absorption capacity for Day Use is 250
– 270ml. Night Use is 280 – 300ml.
What are the technology and functions of the Monte Core Stripe?
MONTE 3-in-1 core Stripe is exclusively
researched and developed by Taiwan nanotechnology which consists of Negative
Ions, Nano Silver and Far Infrared Ray. It can release 6120 negative ions per
cm ³ when in contact with liquid and frictions with body and produce huge
amount of oxygen that can kill bacteria between 30 - 60 seconds. Sterilization
function of Nano
Silver is capable to kill more than 650 types of bacteria with 99.99% rate within
minutes as to keep hygienic environment when handling body discretion. Far
Infrared Ray is able to promote cell activation, blood circulation and pain
relief, therefore will help to stabilize women menstrual cycle.
Q: What are the
possible reactions for the first time user?
For women who first started
to use, you may encounter large amount of blood clots and bloods discharge due
the cleaning process. The blood clots will cause the surface of sanitary pad
being blocked and therefore, please be cautions and do check the pad whenever
you feel any flow out. If found any blood clot, please replace it immediately so
that it will not cause side leaking.
Basically you will find the colour of blood
will gradually turn back to more fresh red
colour after 2 – 3 months of continue usage and it signals your
uterus is becoming cleaner.
How long should I wear for a piece of pad?
The core Stripe is functioning up to 4 hours after
start wearing. It is recommended to change every 4 hours to remain hygienic.
Why my menstrual discharge has become lessen after use Monte sanitary
Physical view on the surface of the pad may
see less blood for the first time user as most of the bloods flow have been
absorbed by the SAP which store underneath the surface layer as most of the new
users do not use to see this when they are using the normal specification brand.
Q: What’s the reason for some people
to experience a stronger flow of menstruation?
As the core Stripe is functioning, it will
clean the uterus and pull down the unreleased / stored blood from body with the
improve blood circulation system. This situation may last for 2 - 3 rounds of
How long do I need to use to see the benefits?
We recommend to use Monte Premium Set for a
monthly usage as it contains Day Use, Night Use and Pantyliner. Please do not
wait until your menstrual period comes then only start using Day & Night
Use. You should start using Pantyliner on daily basis during the off-menstrual
period as you can start feel the comfort quality of Monte as well as to regulate
your menstruation system. Once started to use Day & Night Use, you will
feel the difference from what you have experienced in the past. Generally, it
will take up to 2 – 3 months to see more results.
Q: Is Monte sanitary pad & pantyliner
safe for pregnant women to use?
It is not recommended to use during pregnancy
as there are many hormones change in body take place during the period and also
to avoid any unnecessary claim for the abnormal child birth. However, it can be
start using during maternity.
Q: What is the competitive advantage
for Monte sanitary pad compared to other similar specification brand in the
Our core stripe is weighted as 60g/㎡ which is among the highest in market and consist of 3-in-1 functions (negative ion, nano silver
& far infrared ray), where some others only with single function. We have
full test report on the core stripe, free of heavy metal and toxin report from
Malaysia ALS test lab. Some brands claim many functions without supporting test
reports. The reason we only use 3 functions is to equally weight the 3
important components embedded into the stripe. You may notice the high
concentrate of pixels on the stripe compared to others.
Our Dust-free layer is weighted as 60g/㎡ which is highest in the market in order to wrap up
the SAP layer in stable position after it absorb with blood and also to ensure the
moisture from the SAP will not affect the dryness on the surface layer. Some
brands’ surface layer
will get wet fast as it is thin and easy to break off when under very moisture
Our Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) is weighted
as 190g/㎡ which is the highest in the market and imported from Japan. In our
experiment of on water absorption, it can absorb 250 -270ml. Some other brand
can only take up to 150 – 180ml.
Our Anti-leakage layer [12g/㎡] is only
available for Monte but not other brand. This is the improvement feature made
in order to avoid the liquid flow out from middle of the pad due to the
pressures from stored liquid or sitting position. We employ this technology
without affecting the permeability of the bottom layer
Permeability bottom layer – this is extremely
important to enable the humid air from out from the inside and also to avoid
the growth of bacteria. In normal brand in sold in hypermarket, this is not the
available feature and most women will easy feel itchiness and warm if the
bottom layer is not breathable.
Monte sanitary pad is without any fragrant or
herb smell which is not recommended by many doctors, while some other brand in
the market does have some sort of herb or fragrant added on.
What is a pantyliner? Why would I use one?
Pantyliners are products designed for your
daily hygiene. A lot of women/girls wear them on the days in between their
periods to absorb any natural discharge to help keep them feeling clean. Monte
pantyliner with the 3-in-1 core stripe will provide health benefits when in
contact with it.
How do pantyliners work?
Pantyliners typically have three layers: a cotton
surface layer, an absorbent (dust free) layer and a breathable bottom layer.
The cotton surface layer allows moisture to be pulled into the absorbent layer
away from your skin. The back layer helps keep moisture inside the pantyliner
away from your underwear.