Friday, 11 July 2014

3. Will Intrauterine Device (IUD) hurt?

It will be impossible to say no.  Man should take good care of women, do not IUD is the best option!

Some people opt to do IUD in United States as they believe domestic technology is not up to mark and that’s a big mistake. Western's people body is generally larger than Chinese people and therefore the IUD is not suitable for the Asian people uterus. Subsequently, it has caused many side effects which are complicated to find out this reason.

Women should be take note of the validity period of UID and to avoid to use it after expiry date. Normal usage is 20 years but somehow many women still having it after 20 - 30 years and even for lifetime. Clinical study has shown that there are diabetic cases actually caused by extended use of IUD and it may be back to normal when it is removed. However, if it is extended for too long, it may dissolve some of its components into pelvic cavity, it will then unable to remove. 

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